Salons AI

Salon Reputation Management Service

Salon Reputation

Reputation Management for Your Salon

In today’s digital era, the reputation of your salon online is as crucial as the quality of services you provide. Salons AI offers a comprehensive reputation management service designed to enhance and protect your salon’s online presence. Our sophisticated approach ensures that your salon not only attracts positive attention but also maintains a stellar online reputation, encouraging more customers to walk through your doors.


Our system collects local reviews from your salon’s customers and selectively sends only 5-star reviewers to Google Maps, enhancing your online reputation.

This is a system widly used in the Salon industry. We focus on highlighting positive experiences while complying with review platform policies, ensuring a balanced and authentic representation of your salon.

Definitely, by consistently showcasing top-rated reviews, your salon’s online presence and attractiveness to potential clients are significantly enhanced.

Got any questions ? Feel free to call us !

Collect Customer Reviews Without Fear

Salon Customer Review

In the competitive salon industry, customer reviews can make or break your business. That’s where Salons AI steps in with a revolutionary approach to collecting customer reviews. Our specialized review tool is designed to bolster your salon’s online reputation fearlessly.

When customers visit your salon, our tool automatically prompts them to leave a review. Here’s where our strategic approach comes into play: only those customers who rate their experience as 5 stars are directed to platforms like Google Maps or your salon’s review site to share their glowing testimonials. This ensures that your salon’s online profiles are adorned with the highest quality, most flattering reviews.


Ditch Negative Reviews

For customers who rate their experience 4 stars or less, a different route is taken. They are invited to fill out a feedback form directly on your salon’s website. This method serves a dual purpose: it provides your salon with valuable, honest feedback for improvement, and it also smartly navigates around the risk of negative public reviews.

This approach empowers you to solicit reviews confidently, knowing that your online reputation is protected. With more positive reviews and constructive feedback kept in-house, your salon not only maintains a stellar online image but also continuously evolves based on customer insights. This innovative review collection method is a game-changer for salons aiming for excellence both online and in service.

Google 5 Star Reviews

Responsive Customer Engagement

salon customer engagement

At Salons AI, we believe in the power of engagement. Our service includes a responsive bot that not only tracks customer keywords related to your salon but also enables timely interactions. Whether it’s responding to a review, addressing concerns, or simply engaging in a conversation, this tool ensures that your salon remains actively involved in the digital dialogue, fostering trust and loyalty among your customers.